Saturday, December 03, 2005

Don't Pay Attention To Me...

Today after generally doing some surfing and stuff, I thought why not just visit random blogs. Though I visit a select few blogs of my friends and leave a comment as anon, I never really paid a visit to many other blogs.

So I thought it’s not just enough that I reply back to people or the person who leave/s a comment on my posts, its time to ‘pay it forward’ (I like the pay it forward concept in the movie which goes by the same name).

So I set out into the blogger world, hitting random blogs which where updated a few hours ago, and to my surprise most of them were new ones, with hardly anything written in them. Though I should a lot of people have decorated their blogs quite well.

By the way, Amber the template we use seems to be the most common one…

Also, it was difficult for me to follow what they were trying to say because few people write like how they speak, or talk about things like the sitcoms or soaps or the stars they like or their college without an introduction or description to it. Thus, leaving me confused.

Moreover, the english we use is slightly affected by our native language, not just others but mine too I feel.

Okay, I am not saying I write brilliantly but still I make an effort to keep a universal standard in my writings and ramblings. I know people who visit my blog may not be from my country or know my country or know about the things I am talking about. So if I talk about something from India which people may not know about or if I write something in Hindi (national language), I either leave an explanation or a translation, whichever suits. Also, I have my self- imposed rules to blogging, with regards to font, errors, the subject itself, the slang and I always proof-read before I post and edit if required.

I don’t expect others to follow what I do or don’t and this post is just an observation…so people out there who are more than eager to rip my writings apart, you are welcome to do so, but please don’t hate me!


Blogger Shobana said...

hey i do find your blog page readable.
i came across a few blogs which had lol! haha and abuses after every 3 words,and had broken sentences etc..i have no issues with that, ur blog ur space n i respect it. just that it doesnt draw me towards it.. and like i said its just what i observed :)

8:36 PM  

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