Friday, November 18, 2005

Amber Returns

Hello Reader,

Well, the fact that I’m busy and have run out things to say for the moment not withstanding, I could’nt ignore that plea for help disguised as a letter. So Jade, here I am!

Hmm..I see Jade’s been telling you a bit about herself and us. Here’s my version of Jade’s ‘Who am I’ …
And to make up for not posting for so long, I've made mine a list of 35 things, as opposed to Jade's 25! (See Jade? I am making up for my prolonged absence :D )

So here goes...

35 Things You May or May Not Know About Me
(Or rather 35 Things You May Or May Not Want To Know About Me!)

1.Coming across people taller than me makes me feel wierdly short and gets me wishing I was taller, even though my height is perfectly respectable (I'm neither short nor too tall).
2.I love happily-ever-after's in books and movies.
3.I love coffee, OJ, bitter chocolate and ‘bhutta’ (Corn on the cob)!!
4.I like black .
5.Have a fetish for black t-shirts with slogans on them.
6.I get intimidated by people who I feel are smarter/more together etc than I am.
7.No. Scratch that. Not true in all cases.
8.The idea of treks, anything-outdoorsy involving nature and friends definitely appeals.
9.Cigarettes do absolutely nothing for me.
10.It goes for drinks too. If I do enjoy a drink it’ll be because it tastes really good!
11.I’m great at putting myself in other’s shoes. Something that works to my disadvantage at times.
12.I’m basically a verrrrrrrrrrrrrry lazy person.
13.But as opposed to that, when it comes to a deadline or project etc. I’m very organized and well…err…. un-lazy!!
14.I’m a very organized list-maker.
15.I like to think I’m logical
16.I often wish I could write. Like
write write!!
17.I’m old-fashioned in many ways
18.if I found love, It’d probably make me deliriously happy and horribly terrified at the same time.
19.I’m not good with relatives in general.
20.I’m confident about something only when I’m good at it and I know I’m good at it.
21.I think I'm not good at...... (several minutes later) Just rescued the shoes from the dog....forgot what I think I'm not good at.
22.I LOVE compliments and get flattered very easily.(But then who does'nt, huh?)
23.I'm terribly indecisive.
24.I probably have the most gigantic conscience on the planet.
25.I don’t have a single ambitious bone in my body. Which, I sometimes think, could lead to my downfall.
26.Sometimes I’ve been most happy/most moved by a great book, great music or being in a beautiful place in good company.
27.Hmmmmm…I think as a person I constantly fluctuate between being self-confident and having no confidence what so ever!
28.A lot of times, I feel very gauche in social situations.
29.I’m not a people person though I can be good with people.
30.I love ‘happily-ever-after’ endings in both books and movies.
31.I think I love going to the cinema!
32.I really enjoy motorbike rides.
33.I can be incredibly selfish at times.
34.I often wish I could jump into a book and live the lives of the characters.
35.I don't think I could ever eat at a restaurant by myself. I would'nt know what to do with myself.


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