Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A Book, A Book, My Kingdom For A Book

Nothing much to do.
I wish I were lying by a lake in the sun, reading a book!


Maybe a romance novel, where the heroine is beautiful, the hero is unbelievably handsome and everyone lives happily-ever-after in the end (after the climax where the two almost break up of course) :). {To all the women out there who happen to be reading this post (and who like the genre.I know quite a few who don't) - you really must try Nora Robert's if you hav'nt already. She satisfies the above three criteria without making it too sappy and unrealistic.}

Maybe a nice sci-fi fantasy novel, complete with new worlds, alternate universes, magic, power, so on and so forth. (Like this one mentioned
here . I love this series. Own every book out so far and can't wait for the next one.)

Or just any damn GOOD book. That way, I'm not very choosy. My criteria for picking up a book is the blurb on the back jacket. I'll pick it up if it sounds interesting at that particular moment, irrespective of the genre.


I wish I were lying by a lake in the sun, reading a book!


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